2012 Macbook Disassembly for cleaning dust, and applying new thermal compound | Macbook overheating fix
Hello every one! It has been a long time since we write a new post for this repair diary category.. we have been so busy this year, but today, we have a post regarding Apple Macbook! π π π Yesterday, we have received an old Macbook that is overheating and freezes up after. We decided to disassemble this Macbook and do a nice cleaning. Let’s do it.
Here is the Macbook! It is an old model, but still running fine other than overheating issue.
Let’s open the bottom cover. Looks like it’s made of aluminium..
First, we have to remove the 4 screws on the top of the Macbook.
Push and pull the small trigger to open the bottom battery cover.
Remove the bottom cover, and while the trigger is still up, remove the Macbook battery.
Before remove the top cover, we now need to remove the 4 more screws.
Now we see everything inside the 2012 Macbook computer! π π π
Highlighted in Red – Screws | Highlighted in White – Cables Remove all of these before we take the logic board out of the Macbook frame.
Very important here. We must remove the metal bracket (or cable and mic holder) in order for us to remove MIC from the Macbook frame. Be careful, the small MIC is attached on the frame with adhesive.
Let’s take the cooling fan out of the logic board. Remove the 3 screws and disconnect the fan cable, then it will be removed easily!
When you disconnect the cable here, remove the small plastic protector first. It is held by one small screw.
Also, when you remove 2 cables at this area, remove the plastic protector first. It has 2 screws.
We have removed the logic board from the Macbook body. We are now going to apply new thermal compound for better cooling efficiency. π
We used this one. One of the best thermal compound of all. Arctic Silver 5. π π π
After we cleaned all the dust inside the Macbook with the new thermal compound, the average temperature of 20C dropped !!!! Amazing result!!!
Thank you! See you next time!