by P&T BROS | Jan 2, 2015 | Blog, Windows & Mac, Windows Tips |
Today, We are going to share how to get rid off the automatic lock screen on Windows 8 using the registry & group policy. Please follow the instruction below to disable the lock screen. First Method. Registry Step 01. Go to Windows Start Menu > Run Step...
by P&T BROS | Jan 1, 2015 | Blog, Windows & Mac, Windows Tips |
Today, We are going to show how to get rid off the lock screen using registry on Windows 7. It’s not difficult, Please follow the instruction below! Hope you remove the lock screen through this method! 🙂 Step 01. Go to Windows Start Mene > Run Step 02....
by P&T BROS | Jan 1, 2015 | Blog, Mac Tips, Windows & Mac |
If you want to get rid off the original zip file after you unzip it or if you want to keep both files, Please try the steps below. Hope this method is helpful for everyone 🙂 Step 01. Click the Spotlight Search icon at the top in the right corner. (Spotlight...
by P&T BROS | Dec 31, 2014 | Blog, Windows & Mac, Windows Troubleshooting |
There probably are some people who are struggling with this error message(“You do Not Have Sufficient Access to Uninstall”) while uninstalling a software from the Control Panel. Today, We are going to share how to get rid off this uninstall error message...
by P&T BROS | Dec 30, 2014 | Blog, Windows & Mac, Windows Troubleshooting |
Let’s fix SysMenu.dll Error Message – C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\System\SysMenu.dll If there is anyone who got the SysMenu.dll error message, Don’t worry anymore! Here is the solution to get rid off the sysmenu.ell error message. 01. Locate...