eMachine e627 laptop dust cleanup & Windows re-installation September 7, 2015
Hello! Today, we’ve got a old laptop from our customer. The laptop pops up so many error message when we start the computer. (variety of messages popup endlessly when the Windows starts) Most importantly, the laptop shuts down automatically after 10 ~ 15 minutes. The laptop shuts down quicker when the laptop is under full load. It seems like the laptop was overheating, and the laptop shuts down itself to protect the computer from fire damage. Let’s disassemble the eMachine e627 first to find out what causes the overheating ! 😀 😀 😀
This laptop is old, and the condition is not really good ….
Let’s remove the hard drive first to make a backup ! 😀 😀 😀
The eMachine e627 laptop disassembly started.
We are almost done, soon we can take out the motherboard from the laptop frame.
Okay. The motherboard has been removed from the laptop body. 😀 😀 😀
Look at the dust !!!! As we expected, the air vent is blocked with full of dust !!! This is why the laptop was overheating, and shut down itself !! The hot air could not get out of the laptop because of it.
There is one more reason of overheating here… Do you see the gray stuff on the AMD processor ? It is dried out. That is called a thermal compound. It is responsible to transfer heat efficiently from a hot processor to a heat sink. If the thermal paste dried out, it won’t transfer the heat efficiently.
We have removed the dried out thermal compound, and we applied a new thermal compound. See the difference ? 😀 😀 😀

Windows 7 Home Premium was re-installed, and now the eMachine e627 is running cooler ! It does not shut down itself any more ! 😀 😀 😀 The overheating eMachine laptop has fixed !
It is recommended to clean up your laptop at least every six months. If you have never done cleaning, then bring you computer to a local computer shop to get cleaning service. Keeping your computer nice and clean will increase the lifespan of your computers.
Thank you for reading. 🙂