How to delete history & cache Microsoft Edge web browser

How to delete history & cache Microsoft Edge web browser

Finally, Microsoft stopped the Internet Explorer web browser. Don’t worry. This does not mean that you cannot use Internet Explorer. Microsoft released a new web browser called Microsoft Edge with the new Windows 10. How is the performance ? We do not know yet, but it seems very fast. Faster than Google Chrome on some websites. We do hear that there are some glitches, but since it is a new web browser, it’s fine. (Microsoft will fix it) Let’s find out how to remove browsing history and cache on Microsoft Edge ! 😀


How to delete browsing history & cache on Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge web browser.
  2. On the top right edge of your Edge web browser, there is “” button. Click it.
  3. Click “Settings“.
  4. Find and click “Clear browsing data“, and click “Choose what to clean“.
  5. In here, you can check whatever you want to remove. Also, you can click “Show more” to clear extra items. Click “Clear” button to remove cache & history.
  6. Done!

You can click “Settings” here, and also if you click the “Open with Internet Explorer”, you can open current website in Internet Explorer. 🙂

If you click “Show more” you can also delete extra items.

So far, we like this faster Microsoft Edge web browser over the old Internet Explorer. 🙂 We hope Microsoft make it more stable soon.

Thank you for reading!