There was a problem starting


The specified module could not be found.


If you are having a trouble with Conduit Backgroundcontainer.dll error message on Windows startup, don’t worry anymore. We are here for you!  Today, We are going to share how to get rid off conduit Background Container.dl error message on Windows 7 or windows 8. Please follow the instruction step by step.


Step 01. Go to Windows Start Menu > Control Panel.


Step 02. Try to find and double click Administrative Tool > Click on Task Scheduler.


Step 03. Select Task Scheduler Library in the left pane.


Step 04. Try to find the task that has BackgroundContainer” in the right pane > Right Click on it and Delete it.


Step 05. Now reboot your computer and check if the error message still pops up.


Hope this is helpful for you to fix the issue 🙂 Thank you and Have a Great Day!

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