Are you looking for AMD Catalyst Control Center Software & Driver?
Hello~ it’s P&T. Today’s main theme is video card software and driver. In my understanding, there two big video chip manufacturers. AMD and nVidia. They are the two big companies and they have been competing for long time in computer graphics. People often ask which is better. AMD? or nVidia? It is like asking Honda is better or Toyota is better in now days. They both make really high performance video cards and chips. Anyways, you are probably here because you are looking for AMD Catalyst Control Center or AMD driver. The answer is, you can download these software and driver on AMD’s official website. We are here to provide you the website link and simple instruction for you 🙂 Let’s get started!
Here is the download instruction for AMD Catalyst Control Center
In order for you to download AMD Catalyst Control Center, you can just download the software, but AMD offers AMD video card drivers with Catalyst Control Center software together. So, this time, let’s download and install your latest video card driver, and this will also come with the AMD Catalyst Control Center software!
First of all, go to: (Click this link)
Now, it is time for you to find out what kind of video card or video chip your computer has. (Don’t know how to find out? Don’t worry. Here is how: After you know what video card or chip your computer has, it is time to download the right driver. There are two ways, you can go with automatic driver detection, or you can go with manual driver search. In our case, we are using manual driver search on AMD website.
When you click “DISPLAY RESULTS” button, it will show the latest driver. Typically, there are different types of downloads, driver & software package, and minimal download (driver only). In this case, you need to download the driver & software package provided by AMD. This package contains the AMD Catalyst Control Center software that you are looking for. After downloading is complete, run the downloaded file, and install the latest driver & software package. You are now done! 😀 😀 😀